Post an Ad, as our Page

Get your post seen by our Followers and their friends.

If you lost your pet or found one that you want to help, you can run an ad as our Facebook page, with an ad your post will get more likes, shares, and views, in the location where you need help.

Get your post seen by more people

  • Maximize the views your Post gets with an ad– Posts that are shared from the page get seen by only a few people from our audience, with an ad we can target our followers and their friends.
  • We have a large local El Paso audience– We have over 44k followers on our social profiles that we can run ads on.
  • Reach more people in a specific area– We can run an ad and target our followers and their friends in a certain location.
  • Shared on all our social channels – Get your post shared on our Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok
  • Post is shared as the page – Get your post shared anonymously as the page.
  • More organic visibility – Get your post pined to the top of our feed and bump off any other post.
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